The MacDonald Partnership (TMP) specialises in corporate turnaround and business restructuring. TMP also provides personal debt solutions to individuals.
TMP provides professional and technical advice in structuring turnaround deals. Where appropriate we take insolvency appointments. We advise on complex areas of finance and law, implementing the turnaround deals, introducing new finance and enhancing the process with management skills and support. TMP's team has the highest level of professional qualifications and very extensive turnaround experience.
TMP are leaders in structuring and obtaining turnaround finance for distressed businesses. This includes working with asset based lenders, structured debt providers and other independent equity players.
Invariably, management support is required in most turnarounds. We provide our own internal resources to provide turnaround management leadership. We also work closely with quality associates who specialise in turnaround management. TMP leads the way in restructuring corporate operating costs by taking some (and sometimes all) of the cost base to South Africa, a cheaper developing market.
TMP has been ranked as one of the leading independent turnaround firms in the UK. The firm and its professionals have also featured in the The Turnaround, Restructuring & Insolvency (TRI) Awards over the years.
We act for a wide variety of interests in the turnaround of distressed businesses, including directors, shareholders and their advisors, providers of finance and creditors.